The project “Vocational Education and Training for Veterinary Nurses”(VET4VN) came up after previous cooperation of six schools in four countries, which offer vocational education and training of Veterinary Nurses (VN) at EQF level 4. The project partners met at VetNNet conferences. They shared worries and needs to improve. And this cooperation led to the Vet4VN project application.
However in previous 2-3 years, the work field of the VN is changing at an incredible speed. Big changes are seen in technology, medications, ICT innovations, role of the clinics in human health, and customer behavior. Veterinary clinics merge to large international conglomerates, which demand highly educated VNs in all countries, regardless differences in educational systems.
With Vet4VN we want:
- students at all schools to be equipped with up-to-date and comparable knowledge and competencies
- increase employability of our students in a more international working environment
- International experience for all students; also for those who cannot go abroad due to personal reasons
- to improve our education at level EQF4, to cope with higher demands of the work field
In the project teachers who are originally also veterinarians or veterinary technicians, will participate directly.
We have also included 60 students directly in the project; they participated in mobility. Next to the mobility, no less than a 150 students joined in an experiment with online teaching and training with their peers.
We are working on learning outcomes based on radiology; a manual as a guidance to use these learning outcomes in international mobility, a manual to use work-based learning internationally and a manual for distance learning and coaching across borders.