The Veterinary European Clinical Training and Assessment Record (VECTAR) project is designed to support and enhance clinic-based learning for veterinary nursing students across Europe.
Practical skills training is the cornerstone of primary veterinary nurse training and the project aims to develop an effective way of students and their clinical coaches benchmarking and measuring clinical experience.
The project started in 2011, and is led by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, the regulatory body for veterinary nurses in the UK.
VECTAR links to a previous Europe-funded project, PEPAS, which developed practical skills teaching and assessment expertise across veterinary nursing schools in Europe.
VECTAR is a transfer of innovation project which is funded until 2013 by the Leonardo da Vinci lifelong learning programme.
Some of the questions that VECTAR will address:
- What practical skills do student veterinary nurses need to learn?
- How do colleges support the clinics that teach them?
- How is progress monitored?
More you can read on Vectar or view the slideshow VECTAR 1 and VECTAR 2